

Helping nonprofits, political and social impact groups build organizational health and infrastructure. We focus on the intersection of organized people, money, and power with culture, gender, race, art, and equity.

About Us

Flamboyán Consulting

exists to help and support nonprofits and social impact groups in the pursuit of organizational health, better communication, and mission driven alignment. We help reimagine what it means for organizations to be healthly, how we show up when things fall apart, and re-thinking infrastructure through all aspects of organizational management through consulting, coaching, and facilitating. Working in the pursuit of organizing people, money, and power in support of transforming the communities and world around us.

Gaby Garcia-Vera is an organizing maven, cultural worker, experience architect, artist, and curator. As a nationally recognized movement leader, Gaby has nearly two decades of experience in social justice movements, including abortion & reproductive justice, language justice, and LGBTQ civil rights. Gaby's work is deeply informed by their Puerto Rican roots, love ethic, and the belief that vulnerability is transformational.

In 2022, driven by a passion to foster organizational health, improve communication, and align mission-driven entities, Gaby launched Flamboyán Consulting. With an unwavering commitment to courage and authenticity, Gaby continues to reimagine what it means for organizations to be healthy and effective, steering them through challenges and towards transformational growth.

Gaby Garcia-Vera | All Pronouns

Founder & Managing Principal

Shanequa Davis | She/Her/Hers

Director of Impact & Technology

Born in Washington DC, Shanequa's commitment to community service was evident from her early volunteering for Obama's 2008 campaign. After graduating from the University of Maryland, her experiences as an EMT and firefighter shaped her understanding of community needs.

Shanequa brings a wealth of experience having worked with Working Families Party having led issue advocacy and electoral campaigns and landmark efforts to restore voting rights for returning citizens and expanded the organization's field operations. At the National LGBTQ Task Force, she built a cross-movement rapid response network, and created and started the organization's HBCU outreach program.

Recognizing the growing importance of technology for social justice and voter protection, Shanequa is now focusing on impact and cybersecurity. This forward-thinking approach ensures she remains at the cutting edge of creating a more equitable society.

Dedicated to social justice and community empowerment, Shanequa's career is a testament to the power of service, justice, and community.

In 2023, driven by a passion to foster organizational health, improve communication, and align mission-driven entities organization Shanequa joined the Flamboyán Consulting team as the Director of Impoact & Technology.

Curatorial Partner

Vintage Ornate Square frame
Educational Worksheet Geometric Shapes

Zee Lopez Del Carmen

All Pronouns

Founder & Principal

Zee Lopez Del Carmen is a Curator, cultural worker, researcher, and Dade-County local from the Caribbean that specializes in programmatic support for nonprofits, foundations, art spaces, and community-based organizations.

They founded ZDC Consulting in 2020, focuses on curating programmatic development that elevates social justice through the arts and cultural affairs. Zee brings together cross-sectoral partnerships that elevate accountability and community through strategic development.

Zee's mission is to be a catalyst for action around critical issues by collaborating with community partners, creatives, educational institutions, governmental agencies, and multinational corporations.

Guiding Principles of collaboration

    • Welcoming
      • There is freedom here, a space where there is a devotion to presence.

    • Exploration
      • To having all the answers… or not. A space where we can follow the desire lines of our work, creativity, and nuance in collaboration. The freedom of a plot twist only we can see coming.

    • The Ethic of Connection
      • We do not have to be in partnership, we want to be, we commit to tender truths in their multiplicity of being, no fronting, moving from a place where Culture, Vision, and Values intersect

Artistic Statement of Curation

The freedom to contemplate us in our rawness, and the liberty to be in belonging without compromise or contortion. There is freedom to be had here, we want to dream with you, to map the constellations of all the places we still feel too tender to explore. Where we are in relationship to the art in ways that help us find our way back to each other, like when you first walk through the door the seamless stitch of a shared ‘embrace’. We intend to replace the periods with commas.



Russian Geometric Trekking Snowy Path

Everything is energy, if the work isn’t healing you then it ain’t the right work.

Choose courage over comfort

We commit to working through the hard shit. Say what is difficult, not convenient.

Permission to feel not confabulate

Feelings are okay, feelings turned into truth rather than data is not.


We acknowledging paradox, multiple truths can exist at the same time

Client History

Client Testimonials

Gaby was my coach for about 3 months. During that time he was a thought partner for different projects that I was running, and he also provided me with support to execute some of those projects. Gaby helped me reinforce the importance of breaking projects into SMARTIE goals, and he helped me to have more clarity on the importance of creating processes and tools. For example, he supported me to build a project management tool and process, an Organizing Team process and agenda, among other things. Overall, he was always there listening and providing feedback on different projects that were assigned to me, and their feedback was helpful to have more clarity on the process. Gaby is a person who listens, is curious, asks questions, digs deeper, and brings a charismatic personality to the table. I learned a lot and enjoyed my time working with Gaby! - Eva, Organizing Manager | 2023


Organizational Development and Strategy

  • Organizational health assessments and evaluations
  • Strategic planning and visioning sessions
  • Mission alignment and organizational culture development
  • Leadership development and coaching programs
  • Communication strategies and workshops
  • Change management and transformational growth strategies

Equity and Justice

  • Equity, and Justice consulting
  • LGBTQ civil rights consulting and advocacy
  • Reproductive justice consulting and support
  • Language justice initiatives and guidance
  • Cultural competency and sensitivity training

Research, Analysis, and Specialized Support

  • Grant writing and fundraising support
  • Program evaluation and impact assessment
  • Social justice and advocacy training
  • Policy analysis and development assistance
  • Research and data analysis for informed decision-making
  • Mental health and well-being initiatives in the workplace
  • Event planning and experience design
  • Artistic and cultural programming curation
  • Facilitation of collaborative networks and coalitions
  • Public speaking and thought leadership coaching

Capacity Building and Collaboration

  • Team building and facilitation
  • Conflict resolution and mediation services
  • Capacity building and skills development programs
  • Community engagement and partnership development
  • Stakeholder engagement and consultation services
  • Resource mobilization and sustainability planning
  • Nonprofit governance and board development

"Organizational health is about ensuring that all people are clear about where we are going, and have the tools to communicate when things fall apart so a pivot doesn’t feel like a pitfall."

Gaby Garcia-Vera | All Pronouns

Founder & Managing Principal